Center for Emotional Education

Community Safety and Sharing Guidelines

The Center for Emotional Education Community provides a space where you can:

  • Learn, grow your emotional intelligence, cultivate emotional self-mastery, and begin practicing Emotional Sovereignty.

  • Ask for resources and support to keep the momentum of your emotional learning journey going.

  • Share your truth, your feelings, and your authentic self, and have the sense of being seen, heard, and understood.

  • Receive connection and support where and as you are.

  • Feel safe showing up authentically, sharing your successes, challenges, and struggles developing Emotional Sovereignty and the skills for supporting others with NeuroEmotional Coaching.

  • Speak without having all the answers, and be free to explore without being expected to “have it right.”

  • Expect that others will welcome you, see the best in you, and encourage you as you learn.

  • Connect with people on a similar emotional journey, some of whom may become lifelong friends.

Our intention is to create and maintain a learning atmosphere geared toward supporting all of our students to get the absolute most out of this course. To that end, and because of the nature of the material we’ll be covering and the work we’ll be doing together, and because of the general scope of our practice and mission – we are asking everyone enrolled with and/or participating in any Center for Emotional Education activity, event, course, or forum to agree to the following guidelines for ensuring that each interaction and the community in sum is and remains emotionally safe for all:

  1. Respect the Use of Materials.
    All materials provided in the Center for Emotional Education Community are under copyright by the Center for Emotional Education. Please ask for permission before sharing any course videos, handouts, or other materials in any way. If you share about concepts that you learn in this community in a public setting or with your clients, please credit the Center for Emotional Education and/or your mentors.

  2. Respect Certification.
    In order to be able to teach Center for Emotional Education material, concepts, and tools, all students must successfully complete our full Certification Program. Many of our Self-Study and Group courses count toward Certification, but there are other steps to complete Certification.

    This work is nuanced and complicated. We believe that in order for it to be preserved, and thus most helpful to the greatest number of people, it is important to have the stronger and deeper understanding that develops over the longer course of Certification.

  3. Be Aware of Your Language: "Trained in NeuroEmotional Coaching" vs. "A NeuroEmotional Coach".
    At the end of the NeuroEmotional Coach Training Self-Study course, you can assert that you are "trained in the NeuroEmotional Coaching modality". If you want to be able to claim the title of NeuroEmotional Coach, you must complete the Live version of this training. The Live version includes practice modules, live modeling of the modality, etc.. Please let us know if you would like to enroll in the Live training and we can discuss allowing you to invest the Self-Study cost into the next cohort of the Live training.

  4. Be Kind.
    Recognizing that sometimes during interactions in this community you may feel emotionally activated and have a hard time managing yourself, let’s remember we're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. We expect that everyone will do their best to treat each other with respect and tenderness. This is not a space for debates, or for teasing others about their feelings or shares.

  5. No Hate Speech or Bullying.
    Bullying of any kind is absolutely not permitted. We have a zero tolerance policy regarding any degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or other elements of identity. If we perceive that anyone is bullying another community member, we will do our best to gently call that person in, but we will certainly stop the bullying interaction immediately. If such an interaction happens again, we may ask the person to leave the community entirely as we deem necessary to protect the emotional safety for other members.

  6. Be Mindful of Marginalized Groups.
    We specifically intend to make certain that the Center for Emotional Education feels safe to all marginalized identities. So we’re asking that all students do their best to manage themselves in culturally responsive ways and not use any language that would be offensive to marginalized communities or individuals. We wish we didn’t have to say this, but since we do – for example, if a fellow community member expresses the sentiment “Black Lives Matter (too)”, please don’t respond with “All Lives Matter”. If we perceive anything along these lines happening in any interaction in this community, we will interrupt that interaction and remind the person involved of this guideline.

  7. Respect Everyone's Privacy.
    Being part of this community requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. We ask you to keep in mind that what's shared in the group should stay in the group. We also ask that you specifically not discuss the details of anyone else’s experiences/stories, or the coaching we do with individuals in the community, outside the class session or cohort.

  8. No Offering Advice or Strategies.
    Generally speaking, we ask that you let CEE Coaches do the coaching, emotional co-processing, and advising in this community, and that all community members refrain from advising fellow students, even in the chat, unless specifically requested or authorized to do otherwise. (Listening, empathizing, and witnessing are, of course, more than welcome!)

  9. No Promotions or Spam.
    The Center for Emotional Education Community is not a space for students to be selling anything to one another. Self-promotion, spam, and sharing irrelevant links are prohibited. Again, a community member may be asked to leave the community if they are attempting to use it to sell their products or services to fellow students.

  10. Provide Feedback through Appropriate Channels.
    Every member of the Center for Emotional Education Community has the right and opportunity to provide pertinent feedback if they deem necessary and useful. We ask that (outside of specific courses which have their own guidelines) all feedback be directed to our client care support via: And please use the subject heading “FEEDBACK” or “FEEDBACK – Time Sensitive” as appropriate.

    Any issues brought up in any feedback format will be addressed as efficiently as possible with the involved community member(s).

  11. Be Aware of Our Removal Policy.
    Violation of the above terms may result in your removal from the community. We take the emotional safety of our work, courses, and community extremely seriously. Our removal policy is in place to protect this space for you and everyone here.

  12. All comments, ideas, and strategies offered by the Center for Emotional Education and its officers are solely for the purpose of aiding students in achieving their own defined goals. Center for Emotional Education programs, classes, and events are not offered as a substitute for other professional mental health care or medical care, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any mental health or medical conditions. Students are fully responsible for their well-being, including their choices and decisions.

Thanks for helping to create an emotionally safe environment for all!

Sharing Guidelines:

Please make sure to reference, source, link to, and/or tag the Center when sharing about concepts that you have learned from the Center.

Please request a copy of our logo you can download and use for crediting the Center by

  • Please do not directly replicate Emotional Sovereignty School or any of our courses.

  • The Law of Functional Priority; Speaking Brain; Notice, Name, Touch; Death Spiral; Embodied Expression of Emotion; Metaphoric Manifestation of Emotion; Emotional Cocktail; General Dynamic; Emotional Translation; Needs Translation; Emotional Capacity; Emotional Spectrum; Intentional Emoting Strategies; Core Emotions; Core Needs; and the like, are concepts created by and copyrighted by the Center. When sharing these concepts please credit the Center.

Please feel free to use and share the following documents as long as you tag and/or reference the Center (including using the Center’s logo and copyright where applicable or already present):
▢ Feelings list
▢ Needs list
▢ Brain State Cheat Sheet (Cat, Dog, Eagle)
▢ Brain State Cheat Sheet in visual form
▢ Any and all slides from Emotional Safety Agent

Please DO NOT share:
▢ Any templates from the Center
▢ Any slides from any course offered by the Center (ESS, NECT, etc.)
▢ Any handouts/glossaries/files from any course offered by the Center (ESS, NECT, etc.)

If there is something you’d like to share or use in your teaching that is not addressed above, or you would like us to make an exception, please reach out to discuss options.

If you would like to teach others this modality or the content that we created, then taking the extra step of continuing into and completing NeuroEmotional Certification is required.

This work is nuanced and complicated. We believe that in order for it to be preserved, and thus most helpful to the greatest number of people, it is important to have the stronger and deeper understanding that develops over the longer course of Certification.

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to teaming up with you!

If you have any questions, please contact