Sue Preneta


Sue Preneta is a mother, an educator, and a Certified NeuroEmotional Coach with thousands of hours of training and coaching through the Center for Emotional Education.

Sue coaches with a warmth, an articulation, and an emotional agility that helps her clients to become exponentially more adept at living their lives with clarity, radiance, and skill.


Testimonials for Sue

My recent and ongoing experience as a client of a "neuroemotional coach" was my first venture into this type of therapy, and I was understandably nervous and apprehensive. I can now attest to the outstanding abilities and professionalism of Sue Preneta as a coach and as my coach in this fascinating work.

Ms. Preneta is wonderfully bright, articulate, and a warm, attentive, and engaged listener...and a trusted "responder." She is clear in her explanations of this work, and her commitment to me as a client is total and all-encompassing as we explore together who I am and why.


My work with Sue has been transformative. Sue has a unique talent to help you unravel and dig deep into areas of your life that are calling out to be heard due to past wounds or traumas. They are present obstacles that with her coaching become a catalyst to helping you begin to repair your nervous system. Sue holds a safe space for you while you learn how to use the tools to do the work and effectively recognize your feelings and brain states.

After each session with Sue new things show up that seem to be screaming for my attention which until now were buried or unheard. Her insights, the way she affirms you, along with the tools she provides have opened me to begin to connect and nurture my frazzled nervous system. The good news is I am experiencing a difference and greatly appreciate her gifts and highly recommend her neuroemotional coaching.


Sue is a compassionate, empathetic listener with great insights. Her feedback has been incredibly impactful. She is made for this work and I am grateful to her for the transformative experience.


I have been working with Sue for the past few months and found it very rewarding and helpful. She is very comforting to talk to and facilitates the conversation naturally. Since we talk about sensitive things she's always been accommodating to my feelings about various subjects. I feel really validated by the experience of working with her. I also feel very enriched by the experience of using neuro-emotional coaching with her skillful guidance. I highly recommend her services for anyone who is seeking useful ways to understand strong emotions and the imbalances that sometimes occur.


Working with Sue Preneta has opened my eyes to what I’ve been calling the Missing Link. Getting to know and befriend my nervous system in this way has provided a foundation for me to use the information and the healing work that I’ve done for years in different modalities. This system gets to the basics and the core that puts everything together for me that I've done along the way: the inner child work, shamanic journeys, energy work, meditation, etc. I am extremely grateful for Sue’s patience, honesty, empathy and base of knowledge that she never tires of explaining. Thank you, Sue!


Neuro-Emotional Coaching helps me navigate the complex relationship between my nervous system, body, emotions, and behavior. Regular sessions have me feeling more integrated and grounded in my authentic self, more easeful, and more confident. Sue is knowledgeable and well skilled in the practices and tools that serve this end. She is always gentle, kind, respectful, and validating. At the same time she knows how and when to be more assertive. The result is a sense of safety that inspires me to go deeper into my healing process.


 Working with Sue is like being with the kindest witness that sees you, hears you, understands and one who can see beyond the story. She holds the space with a beautiful presence and gracefully seems to know what truly needs to be tended. She is intuitive, supportive, curious, and committed to my process and the coaching journey with her has helped me to rewire patterns of self doubt and anxiety in my life that needed attention and care. After each session, there is a sense of completion, of understanding and of moving forward. The processing of tough emotions and old narratives is powerful and has allowed me to go beyond what I thought possible.

Her work has been so precious and I’m aware how it is contributing to the big shifts I’m now ready to embark on during this season of my life. Thank you Sue. Always.


Sue provides a depth of support and guidance that encourages an honest and courageous exploration of feelings, bringing emotional safety and trust in oneself. Her thoughtful curiosity has helped me to find meaning and connection that I sometimes have a hard time finding myself. I highly recommend working with Sue.


Being coached regularly by Sue is an absolute highlight of my life. Our work together has had a profound impact on my nervous system, my relationships and my capacity to understand my needs & how to meet them. Sue is artful in her ability to ask the most generous questions. Questions that have led me to discovering my own answers, my own wisdom and exquisite clarity. I’m so grateful for Sue’s presence, warmth and capacity to help me create significant change in my life. She is a remarkable coach.


I fear that my words will not be able to capture the level of inspiration and support I have received via Sue Preneta’s coaching transmissions. Stepping in to work with Sue is about stepping into the most exquisitely-focused, most intelligent, most crystal-clear-presence-filled cradle of coaching. I found Sue after decades of working with many (!) coaches and therapists who weren’t delivering the results that I was desiring in my personal / professional growth. I was particularly seeking advisors that would support me not in generating their own ideas about my life, but to guide me to MY most brilliant ideas for the next steps of my exponential growth. Sue has delivered time and time again. A session with her is like moving through a super-safe, super-regulated, ultra-intelligent portal for the nervous system and emotional brain to get much-needed attention. In every session, I know that I will be able to step into our call, and simply melt into her brilliant questions and gentle (and focused) guidance. With her in charge, my own innate brilliance inevitably emerges. In each session, she delivers. What comes through is access to the most brilliant ideas of my own soul / brain / heart. If you want to grow your life with an experienced, vetted, true-to-the-core coach, I recommend Sue with the highest of accolades. She is a treasure, and I am forever exponentially changed by her work.


Being coached by Sue feels like having my heart held and my eyes opened. Her ability to help me articulate my human experience and process the emotions as they arise has truly been a gift to receive. Months later, insights she shared continue to stick with me as I navigate life’s complexities with a greater sense of ease. Neuro-emotional coaching is a powerful asset, and Sue is a master of the modality. Thank you!


Deep listening, full presence, and creative exploration of emotions. I feel safe and seen in my sessions with Sue.
