Are you...

Overwhelmed emotionally and otherwise?

Arguing with your partner about parenting, finances, or more?

Making yourself small?

Doubting yourself?

Suspicious that you aren't "normal"?

Ashamed that you aren't happy?

Wondering if your dreams are unrealistic?

Making choices you know aren't right so that you don't "rock the boat"?

We can help.

We are…

A safe space for personal and professional growth.

We support you to:

Develop Emotional Mastery

Build confidence

Change negative habits

Manage anxiety and depression

Grow healthy relationships

Improve communication

Increase Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

We believe in neurological empowerment.

Have you ever gotten a glimpse of your best self? Have you noticed those moments when you're feeling unstoppable, on track, inspired, benevolent, and generous? It feels so good, doesn't it?

And then there are those other moments, right? The ones in which our faces scrunch up into scowls, when sharp words fly, and painful thoughts are everywhere... When enough of these moments string together, we feel depressed and disconnected, scared that our lives have gotten off track.

Want to know a secret?

We already have the full capability to be awesome. Isn't that great?! We don't have to buy anything, or say any particular words, or meet any specific people. That "best self" we enjoy so much is available to us if we can just act from the part of our brains that governs that stuff. The moment-to-moment state of our neurochemistry determines how we think, and feel, and act.

Really stirred up by a triggering situation? Odds are that your brain has shifted processing to its lower, more instinctual parts - hello scowly face and sharp words!

Feeling calm and happy? You've climbed the stairs out of the neural basement back into the upper "executive" brain where we become the superhuman version of ourselves - quick thinking, empathetic, creative, and unflappable dynamos.

A happy successful life is made possible the more time we spend in our executive brains. It's that simple. We're already wired for it, we just have to influence which part of the brain is running the show. So how do we direct our brain processing? How do we manage our neurochemistry so that more of our time is spent operating from our upper brains?

That's our mission,

teaching, equipping, and supporting

others to become Emotionally Sovereign.

It isn't rocket science. It's brain science.


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Start Your Emotional Sovereignty Journey Now!


Want to Know Where We Stand?

Click here, to find out everything you need to know about our position on justice and equity, as well as to grab some tools for using neuro-emotional leverage to stand up and work for what you believe in.

Our Surface Agenda

We help people change the ways their brains are wired.

Instead of constantly crashing against emotion and responding to it from a survival state — as most of us were programmed to do via our emotionally unsafe childhood environment — our clients learn new ways of responding to emotion. This new way of navigating difficult feelings allows our clients to move through emotion, use emotion as a tool for changing brain chemistry, and thus access an executive brain state on a daily, routine basis. Keen self-awareness, neuro-emotional leverage, and the routine use of at-hand strategies means that overtime our clients are changing the way their brains work.

What does this mean on a practical level?

Operating more regularly from an executive brain state means: more money, friends, and time. It means better-functioning relationships, greater connection, and increased pleasure of all sorts.

In short, our surface agenda is to help you have a better life.

We Also Have a Stealth Agenda

We are helping the world to be a safer, greener, kinder, more connective and inclusive place.

Brain by brain, we are spreading the impact of this work.

Every individual operating from their executive brain state is one that can access logic, compassion, long-term planning and execution, and cooperation. Solving the world’s problems such as: racial inequality, climate change, wage inequality, poverty and others — requires as many people as possible having an awareness of their emotional landscape and the tools to shift brain chemistry to gain access to the executive brain state. The executive is the only brain state that can make a difference.

We are counting on the ripple effect of neuro-emotionally leveraged individuals. As our clients finish their time with us, they walk back into their personal spheres where their robust executive brain activity exerts powerful influence on their families, their workplace, their voting, and their activism. Brain chemistry is contagious.

Putting even one regulated person that has access to executive function and the tools for co-processing into a crowded, dysregulated and activated environment can help shift the neurochemical state of every person in the room.

In this way we can imagine a world in which the majority of folks are operating from logic and compassion.

In short, our stealth agenda is to empower legions to wield their neurochemistry to change the world.

"Meet us" in an audio fashion! Click PLAY below to here us speak about kids, brain science, and more...

Alleviate Anxiety Already Workshop

Meet Your Coach

Each of our Certified coaches has full and enthusiastic backing from the Center for Emotional Education. Each is unique in their particular coaching gifts but all of us follow the NeuroEmotional Coaching modality, using brain science and exquisite emotional processing skills to help you rebuild your brain to be better at feelings so that you can have the health, wealth, and relationships you deserve.

Click on the photos below to read more about each coach and to schedule a “Feel Better Already” Strategy Session.










*If you’d like to work with a different coach for any reason, please email that coach before scheduling. Thanks!

What to Expect In Session

Each session via the Center for Emotional Education is designed to guide you in best practices for establishing your environment for optimal emotional health and long-term success. Sessions are in-depth, engaging conversations in which we look at your particular struggles and needs and apply generous amounts of empathy, insight, research and expertise. Our goal is to support you, to disentangle your current situation, and to provide you with hands-on tools, methods, and information, enabling you to find the best path forward. 

Sessions are easy, warm, and good-feeling.

The Center for Emotional Education is dedicated to inclusivity of all kinds, and all identities are welcome.

Want to know more?

The Center offers a complimentary introductory consultation to discuss the particulars of your situation and see if we are a good fit for each other.

Reach out to:

  • Schedule your “Feel Better Already” session...

  • Chat about enrolling in the next certification...

  • Ask us about our upcoming course...

(Your information is safe with us, all communication is held private.)

Our work together has profoundly impacted mine and my family’s lives and has given me a grounded confidence in my ability to connect and nourish relationships for years to come. I know how to do it!
- Michelle
This is life changing work. My only regret is that I didn’t find you sooner. The things in my life that were never going to change, that would always be painful for me, have now shifted. Completely. I’d call it magic, or a miracle, but really I’ve just been doing what you told me to, and it worked!
- Olivia
I’m feeling closer to my husband, my kids, and my real purpose in life than ever before, and I’m sure it’s because of my work with you. I feel like if I just apply the few things you’ve taught me my life trajectory will be different forever!
- Jessica
The work I did with Nathan has greatly helped in me appreciating my partner/kids and giving up my PC gaming habit. My PC gaming addiction has been ongoing for 20 years and to finally not want to log in, and play and spend time with family is refreshing.
- Mahendrawarman
“Natalie and Nathan are amazing teachers and coaches. The work they do is life-changing and transformational on a deep fundamental level. I am forever grateful to them.”
- Nina
I still can’t believe I’ve had the good fortune of being counseled by Natalie. Her approach and guidance are unparalleled, and the focus on emotional health and wellness is the thread that ties everything in your life together. Natalie is pure gold.
- Kate