Did you know Nathan and I met at Tipu's – at the time, the only all vegetarian restaurant in the entire state of Montana? It had the BEST chai you've ever enjoyed. And sometimes for fun during our shifts we'd try to get as caffeinated as possible.
What "fun"! (Insert not-fun facial expression).
We also had a cool, confident, and funny co-worker named Holly, who eventually moved away, but when she came back to visit she shared with us what she'd been up to. As it turns out she had become a Life Coach.
I forget everything about that conversation – where she got her training, what kind of coaching she was doing etc. – but what I do remember, still to this day, nearly two decades later, is how she described her place of work.
She said:
I sit out on my deck, with my coffee, amongst the trees and the birds, and talk to people.
This stayed with me.
I do believe this scene painted by Holly was a very powerful seed for what Nathan and I would later create: The Center for Emotional Education. For 17 years now we’ve been supporting incredibly successful people who still struggle with emotional overwhelm, anxiety, and/or depression that consistently gets in their way, robs them of satisfaction, and ruins everything.
We help our clients learn how to operate their emotional systems, heal long-standing emotional wounds, and rewire their brains to be better at feelings, so they can enjoy better health, easier wealth, and more satisfying relationships.
And, as it turns out, we also created our own cozy office spaces.
Our mission at the Center for Emotional Education includes training others to become powerful NeuroEmotional Coaches in their own right, helping their own people to have the success they want and deserve.
And these gorgeous humans are stationed in their very own beautiful, personal, cozy offices all over the planet.
We thought we'd share some of their offices with you, too.
Who knows?
Maybe these snapshots of meaningful work in incredible spaces might just be the seeds that sprout your coaching career.
If you're interested in creating your own cozy business and your own cozy office space, you may want to consider becoming a NeuroEmotional Coach.
People need people.
People need you.
We'll be here under our furry animals if you want to ask us some questions about this work!
Much love,
Natalie and Nathan
You May be New to the Center for Emotional Education
Here's what's coming up next:
Dear EQ, What Do I Do?
Emotionally Intelligent Ideas for Life's Challenges
Monthly Support
Complimentary "Feel Better Already" Strategy Session
NeuroEmotional Coach Training
5-Month Training Program