G'Day! How are you doing?
We hope this letter finds you in a moment of ease. Are you ready for a funny/not-so-funny story?
Once upon a time...
Someone we know came home from the grocery store and set about unpacking the various items from their bags. The next morning she entered the kitchen and gasped!
All of the fish in their beautiful, large saltwater tank, were dead.
She had accidentally stowed the orange juice concentrate in the cupboard above the tank, instead of in the freezer. And the juice that dripped down changed the acidity of the tank, and killed the very expensive inhabitants of that tank.
Why (on Earth??) would someone stow frozen orange juice in a cupboard?
Because when humans process from a Survival State we do really stupid things that cost us lots of time, money, and heartbreak.
When we're in a Survival State we leave our awareness, we leave our bodies, we leave our "right minds". In Survival Mode it's easy, natural, normal!, to make costly mistakes, like:
Routinely losing the expensive fob that has to be replaced at the car dealership for $800.
Buying an $1800 non-returnable couch that doesn't fit the living room.
Smashing the computer or phone or whatever other fragile and expensive object is nearby.
Misplacing things and buying a new one just to then find the old one after the new one can no longer be returned.
Bailing out on a lease and losing the deposit(s).
Signing up for things we don't/never were going to use.
Moving too slowly to grab our just right opportunities.
Moving too quickly to read the fine (and costly) print.
You get the idea.
If we want to save ourselves precious time and money, and our tender hearts – we want to know how to move through the brain states that can cause us trouble.
The Survival Brain State gets a bad rap – and most of the time, rightly so! But the Emotional Brain State is no financial genius either. When we don’t have the tools to move through emotion, we get stuck in a loop.
We think about asking for a raise but get stopped by our anxiety or overwhelm or shame, and another year goes by where we are underpaid and overstressed around finances.
We yearn to launch our business but there is always one draining emotional emergency after another and we can’t think straight enough to even make a to-list let alone execute one.
From an Emotional Brain State, even small things like wanting to compare phone and data plans and get a better deal never actually happen because we’re stuck circling around with emotions like dread, anxiety, fatigue and the day to take action just gets put off again and again and again.
Learning the tools to work with these brain states will save us tens of thousands of dollars in a lifetime!
Right now we're gearing up for our once-yearly, world-renowned program called NeuroEmotional Coach Training – and one of the curiosities folks have is, how can I justify that kind of investment in emotional stuff?
And it's just not fair to say to them: Think of all the saltwater aquariums you will save!
NeuroEmotional Coach Training teaches us how to help ourselves and others to move fluidly between brain states, so that we spend more time in an Executive State – which is hella good at money.
When we're processing from this brain state we not only are able to save the money wasted by stupid Survival Brain mistakes and delayed by Emotional Brain stagnancy, we're able to dream up and follow through on all our smart money ideas, and actually earn more.
This is true of all neuroemotional work, by the way, not just NeuroEmotional Coach Training, so that's cool!
Just by reading these posts and applying the tools you have, you're already helping to set yourself up with financially beneficial brain functionality. Woohoo!
If you're interested in this sort of thing, NeuroEmotional Coach Training additionally teaches the skills that can be used to earn a living, to earn additional part-time money, or to earn a higher rate for the services you already offer. Really cool.
If you're wondering if this is the year you join us, and increase both your emotional health and your financial health, but want help crunching the numbers, designing a payment plan that works, or finding the scholarship form, just respond to this email and we'll get you sorted!
In any case, let's all high five! Every time we practice what we've learned about these brain states, we are that much less likely to lock our keys in the car.
So, cheers to not losing keys!
Cheers to not killing fish!
Cheers to all the other heartbreaks we've avoided through our devotion and diligence to this work!
Every investment you make in your emotional health more than pays for itself.
Much love and respect,
Natalie and Nathan
You May be New to the Center for Emotional Education
Here's what's coming up next:
Dear EQ, What Do I Do?
Emotionally Intelligent Ideas for Life's Challenges
Monthly Support
Complimentary "Feel Better Already" Strategy Session
NeuroEmotional Coach Training
5-Month Training Program